DSymList is a program for listing D Language symbols in binary files. It can print the symbols to a terminal or save them to a file, and is also capeable of searching for symbols within specific namespaces. DSymList uses the nm program as a back-end for symbol extraction.
Basic Usage
To use DSymList, simply run it in a terminal and provide it with the path of the file you wish to examine:
./dsymlist path/to/my-d-binary
If the file contains D symbols, you should begin to see output immediately. Here is a sample of what that might look like:
std.stdio (4)
ulong : readlnImpl ( shared(core.stdc.stdio._IO_FILE)*, ref char[], dchar, std.stdio.File.Orientation )
char* : readlnImpl ( shared(core.stdc.stdio._IO_FILE)*, ref char[], dchar, std.stdio.File.Orientation )
ulong : readlnImpl ( shared(core.stdc.stdio._IO_FILE)*, ref char[], dchar, std.stdio.File.Orientation )
@property @trusted std.stdio.File : trustedStdout ( )
} End of std.stdio
All D symbols will be listed by default, including symbols imported from Phobos, etc, and core. To perform a more granular search, read the “Advanced Usage” section below.
Advanced Usage
Naturally, if you’re looking for specific symbols in a file, you might not want see all of the other symbols that were imported during compilation. To solve this issue, DSymList provides support for a “namespace” option, which takes a comma-seperated list of module namespaces to use when searching. When namespaces are provided, DSymList will only display symbols in those namespaces. For example, consider that you have the following D module:
module program;
class MyClass
void method1()
bool method2()
return true;
void myFunc()
If you wanted to look for symbols matching the namespace of that module, you would run the following:
./dsymlist path/to/my-d-binary --namespace=program
The result would be a list of symbols filtered by the module namespace “program”:
program (1)
void : myFunc ( )
} End of program
program.MyClass (2)
void : method1 ( )
bool : method2 ( )
} End of program.MyClass
In addition to namespace filtering, DSymList also provides a number of other options to control it’s behavior:
--quiet (-q) | Disables printing to stdout. |
outfile (-o) | File path to write output to. |
mangle (-m) | Includes the mangled names of D symbols. |
spacing (-s) | Adds extra spacing to output for improved readability. |
DSymList is licensed under the MIT License